JOIN US AT 10:00 AM IN ABINGDON or 11:00 AM in White marsh

First full day in India

Update, Sunday, January 20. 9:30 PM. At Yesupadams house.

Hello everyone. Today has been quite a full day! We woke up around 7 AM, and then the church service started at 8 AM. A Philippino team is here at Love n' Care as well, and their lead pastor, Pastor Jonathan, gave the message. He gave a wonderful sermon about missions, and how we all can be growing in seeing the Great Commision as our own Great Commission.

After church, we enjoyed breakfast as a team...more yummy rice, curry and yogurt sauce, and fried flat bread tortillas and eggs. We shortly after rearranged and repackaged all of our medicines and supplies, in order to prepare for our first camp tomorrow. Thanks again to all of the folks who helped by donating the medicines, and volunteering to help pack the supplies! We could not be doing this without you all!

We then had lunch and went shopping. We discovered a fun 3 story shopping center, where we spent a few hours shopping this afternoon. It was really fun being in the downtown area, and seeing the city life of Vizag.

Tonight we joined the children for their nightly service, which was again led by the Philippino team. It was so precious seeing these little ones singing songs to Jesus, and expressing their hearts to Him in worship. Seeing these little orphans singing to their true Father was a sight we will never forget, as they sang with joy, hope and purpose. So many of them are walking with the Lord, and being discipled through Love n' Care.

This trip has already been life-changing for us. Tomorrow we start our first medical camp, and we'll have more updates for you soon. Please pray for the gospel to advance through these camps, and that a gospel preaching church would be planted in the future as a result. Love you all so much, talk with you more soon!!